On Monday’s “MSNBC Live,” Representative Jim Himes (D-CT) stated that when he came out in favor of an impeachment inquiry in June, he “thought it was probably damaging to our political chances in 2020” and “It may still be.”

Himes said, “I came out fairly early in favor of an impeachment inquiry in June of this year. And when I did that, I actually — contrary to what the Republicans are trying to persuade the American people, I actually thought it was probably damaging to our political chances in 2020. It may still be. There is polling out there that indicates this isn’t a very big deal in the states that decide the presidential contest.”

He added that the Ukraine revelations “moved public sentiment in a big way. Americans, I think, your average guy out there may not spend a lot of time around the concept of obstruction of justice as it was laid out by Bob Mueller in Volume II of his report. But, when they see that transcript…that’s something that people can relate to, and I think are uncomfortable with.”

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