Friday on Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson criticized the reasoning behind a Democratic push to impeach President Donald Trump.

He referred to the congressional Democrats’ allegations as crimes of “thought.”

“It’s not against the law, at least it wasn’t under the U.S. Constitution, to think something,” he explained. “If I want to think about speeding at 80 miles per hour and I talk about thinking about it, but I actually don’t, I’m not guilty of anything other than harboring bad thoughts.”

“Trump may or may not,” Hanson continued. “We don’t really know. The evidence suggests he didn’t think about delaying aid, and that aid was delayed. But it wasn’t cut off. Maybe he thought about cutting it off. That’s not a crime. There was a context about it, and he didn’t force the firing of anybody in Ukraine, and he didn’t interfere in the sense that the Ukrainians stared an investigation at his prompt.”

Hanson referred to the similar situation of Ukraine under former President Barack Obama.

“If you’re going to convict people of thought crimes for considering cutting it, what would you do if you said, ‘Well, Barack Obama never gave them legal aid and a lot of people died because of that?’”

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