While speaking with the Washington Post on Friday, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg accused 2020 rival Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) of creating “purity tests” on fundraising and donors that Warren doesn’t even meet.

Buttigieg said, [relevant exchange begins around 22:50] “You know, the thing about these purity tests, is the people issuing them can’t even meet them, right? If doing traditional fundraisers disqualifies you from running for president, then I guess neither one of us would be here. Let’s have a serious conversation about where this country is headed. And hitting somebody with a process purity test when we’re in the debate of our lifetimes about what it’s going to take to move this country forward, in very specific policy terms…and in broader terms, about what kind of path is needed to create that sense of belonging and replace that sense of exclusion that is defining American life. This deserves to be at the center of the debate. And that’s where I’m going to keep my focus.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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