In a Monday interview with CNN’s “New Day,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer blasted Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Lindsey Graham for his recent comments saying he has already made up his mind on President Donald Trump’s impeachment should it reach the Senate.

Schumer said he is still “seeking the facts,” adding Graham already having made up his mind shows the lack of fairness in the potential upcoming trial and “demeans” him.

“[W]hat Lindsey Graham said speaks not of the fairness of the trial or the facts, it speaks of him. And it demeans him,” Schumer told host John Berman. “It will not go down as a great moment in history for Lindsey Graham.”

Berman asked, “Haven’t you made up your mind?”

“I have not,” Schumer replied. “I am seeking the facts. Again, I don’t know what these four witnesses will say. Maybe they’ll help President Trump. They’re his allies. They’re his appointees. I want to get the facts under oath.”

Those four witnesses include the senior advisor to the acting White House chief of staff Robert Blair, acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, former National Security Advisor John Bolton and associate director for National Security, Office of Management and Budget Michael Duffey.

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