On Sunday’s broadcast of CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Christianity Today editor in chief Mark Galli said it was “strange” that people who take the teachings of Jesus Christ seriously could not say publicly President Donald Trump’s character is “deeply, deeply concerning.”

Galli said, “I think the a- the pro-life issue is just one of many. Religious freedom for Christians, overseas especially, would be another. You know, there- there have been books written about what’s going on with the conservative evangelical support of Trump. So that’s not something we can quite get into here. It does go fairly deep. I think what I’m mostly concerned with is the fact that it’s like- like you’ve mentioned a previous guest, it’s the unwillingness of my brothers and sisters in Christ- again, I’m not- I have no animus against them. But it strikes me as strange that a- for a people who take the word- the teachings of Jesus Christ seriously, the teachings of the Ten Commandments seriously, that we can’t at least say publicly and out loud in front of God and everybody, that this man’s character is deeply, deeply concerning to us. And I, in my judgment, has- has crossed a line, and I no longer think he’s fit to lead the United States of America. And I don’t say that politically. I mean, my job, our job as Christians, is to love our neighbor.”

He added, “We want the- we want the United States- everybody: left, right, black, white, of every variety of sexualities, we want them to prosper. And I’m saying that given the moral character, the public moral character of our president, that’s not going to happen. It’s- it’s likely to degenerate very radically over the next- if- it has already degenerated. And it’s time for us to put a stake in the ground and say no more.”

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