On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) reacted to the breach at the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad by stating that Iran will try to ramp its actions up to see if they can avoid getting a response from the U.S., but if America responds, Iran will either “basically hold there, or back down some.”

Kinzinger praised President Trump’s response to the attack and stated that “Iran is going to try to step it up to see if they can not get any response by the United States, and then once they get another response, they’ll basically hold there, or back down some.”

He added that Iran wants to “get those blame America first people out talking. They want to do something with violence or damage and the United States not respond to make us look weak. There is any number of things they want to do. But the big thing is they want to draw America back to the negotiating table to get the old Iran nuclear deal.”

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