On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “At This Hour,” Sanders 2020 Campaign Manager Faiz Shakir discussed campaign fundraising and accused 2020 Democratic candidates former Vice President Joe Biden and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg of wanting to “kowtow at the altar of the rich” to fundraise.

Shakir said, “We’re not going to go into a general election suddenly claiming that we’re going to need money from millionaires and billionaires. We don’t need that money. … So, if you have Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden telling you that they need to kowtow at the altar of the rich to fundraise for the general election, they’re wrong. We are upending those notions. You can fund this totally in a grassroots way. And the problem with it, to Joe Biden, to Pete Buttigieg, to anybody else who wants to go kowtow to the altar of the rich, they are telling you that those people who have inordinate power and influence over our economy right now, over our political system right now will continue to have that influence when they’re in the White House.”

(h/t WFB)

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