On Monday’s broadcast of the nationally syndicated Rush Limbaugh Radio show, President Donald Trump said he had dinner with the founder and CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg.

Trump said, “Without Twitter, I think it would be lost. We wouldn’t be able to get the truth out.”

Limbaugh said, “Yeah that that that’s a good point people still say to me you need to ask him to stop tweeting so much. I tell them look at the only way he can get his message out, and it’s not a negative all. People say he needs to do — he needs to dial back the drama needs to dial back the chaos. I disagree with that I think you’re doing exactly what you have to do given the circumstances presented to you.”

Trump said, “Well, I wish I didn’t have to do it. I wish we had a legitimate newspaper and the legitimate media. We don’t.  Much of it is really —I call it corrupt, it’s the corrupt media. You know it’s very interesting, you understand this better than anybody if they do a story on me. I immediately know it’s false or not false. I don’t mind a bad story if it’s right. But I know, a person reading the story doesn’t know that this is false. So I able to tell them through social media.”

He continued, “I had dinner with Mark Zuckerberg the other day.”

He added, “He said I like to congratulate you. You are number one on Facebook, and you know it’s incredible.”

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