On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” former Obama administration National Security Advisor Susan Rice said President Donald Trump’s call for allies to work with the United States would fail because his administration treats them “like trash.”

Mitchell said, “He demanded that Russia, China, the European allies get out of the nuclear weapon deal themselves. What leverage does the president have with Germany, France, the U.K., Russia and China right now?”

Rice said, “None.”

Mitchell pressed, “Because?”

Rice said, “We are the ones who withdrew from the deal. We are the ones who have precipitated this cycle of escalation, unfortunately. And we treat our allies under President Trump like trash.”

She added, “We don’t give them even a heads-up when we’re about to take dangerous action that put their personnel directly at risk. We don’t consult. We don’t concert our efforts. And so why should they simply follow along like sheepish puppies just because President Trump finds himself in a bind and has to give a speech.”

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