In a Tuesday interview with “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) voiced his wish that once the House sends the articles of impeachment to the Senate, that the GOP-majority Senate dismisses impeachment “right away.”

Jordan said the facts are on President Donald Trump’s side and the truth will prevail.

“We’ve already had the most unfair process I’ve ever seen on the House side,” Jordan stated. “Republicans weren’t given subpoena authority, the president had no due process, he couldn’t cross-examine witnesses, Adam Schiff prevented witnesses from answering Republican questions during depositions, so we’ve had the most unfair process I’ve ever seen — you can’t go to the Senate and say, ‘Oh, we’re only going to let the Democrats get the witnesses they want.’ I hope they don’t do that.”

He continued, “Again, all the facts are on the president’s side. I hope they dismiss this and we can get an acquittal right away, but if they go to witnesses, you’re going to have to have both sides. And we would love to hear from the whistleblower. … I hope this thing gets acquitted and gets dismissed right from the get-go. We’ll see how that all plays out.”

The Ohio representative added that impeachment has “backfired” on the Democrats.

“Of course it’s backfired on them because the American people understand facts, they understand truth and they understand that the president did nothing wrong. And furthermore, they appreciate what the president is doing in spite of the relentless attack from the left,” Jordan emphasized.

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