During a press conference on Tuesday, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) stated that his war powers resolution has enough votes to pass the Senate due to the support of Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT), Rand Paul (R-KY), Todd Young (R-IN), and Susan Collins (R-ME).

Kaine said, “In conversations, as Sen. Schumer said, with Republican colleagues, especially after the briefing last week, they were discouraged that the attitude that was being communicated to us was that Congress is an annoyance. Why do you want to know? We don’t have to tell you anything. You should be glad that we’re here six days later to give you a few morsels of information.”

He continued, “And so, after that, they came to me and we have been able to make some amendments that have earned the support, first of Sens. Lee and Paul, but now the support also of Sens. Young and Collins. And there are a number of other Republicans who are looking at it as well. So, we now have the 51 votes that we need for the version that’s the bipartisan version. That doesn’t mature until this weekend. It will first be available for consideration by the Senate next week.”

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