Meghan McCain said on Friday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View” that Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ) “didn’t earn” her appointment to the seat formerly occupied by Sen. John McCain following his death in 2018.

McCain was commenting on McSally calling CNN senior congressional correspondent Manu Raju a “liberal hack,” in response to his question about President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial.

Co-host Joy Behar said, “Meghan, she’s from your state.”

McCain said, “She’s actually appointed. She didn’t win that seat. I think that’s important.”

Behar asked, “After your father?”

McCain responded, “Yeah, she didn’t earn it, I mean in the traditional sense with votes. And she does have an extremely tight race. Arizona could turn blue, which I mean — pigs may start flying around the studio if that ends up happening — I never thought I’d see the day. But she is fundraising off of this with Trump supporters. But unfortunately, there’s a lot of states like Utah, like Arizona, like Nevada, that I think people just assume are going to be full red forever, and it’s not. It’s very independent and fringy, and I think there’s a reason why it has such a long history, especially in Arizona, with people like Barry Goldwater in place.”

She added, “I actually think she’s playing her cards completely wrong. One hundred percent I don’t think this is the right way to do it, but do you know who’s playing it completely, right? My other senator, Kyrsten Sinema, with her fashion choices on the Congressional floor. I think we have it. Look at her, that’s my other senator. Look at that outfit. I love everything she’s doing. She’s very independent. She’s a Democrat, but she’s like very—she votes on the right as well, and I think she should take more pages from Kyrsten Sinema.”

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