While speaking to reporters on Monday, House Impeachment Manager and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) stated that President Trump’s impeachment defense team “underscored the importance of John Bolton as a witness” and that the House “could not have made a more powerful case for calling him” than the president’s lawyers did.

Schiff said, “[W]e now have a third witness who is apparently a direct witness to the president’s tying of military aid to investigations, Ambassador Bolton. We could not have made a more powerful case for calling him than the case the president’s lawyers just did in trying to contest that link between military aid and investigations. So, once again, they underscored the importance of John Bolton as a witness who would corroborate exactly what the uncontested evidence that the House put on shows, that President Trump used hundreds of millions of dollars of military aid to coerce an ally to conduct these political sham investigations.”

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