Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) Tuesday on ABC’s “The View” accused President Donald Trump of fueling “a lot of anger,” which is creating threats of violence.

Co-host Joy Behar said, “I want to talk about something that’s bothering me because we saw video captured by a CBS reporter that went viral from last night of Joe Biden pushing an angry heckler out of a rally. Then we find out that C-PAC chairman Matt Schlapp said that Mitt Romney wasn’t invited to his conference because he couldn’t guarantee his physical safety after his patriotic impeachment vote. There seems to be a threat of violence in the air these days. I want to know if you have felt it on the trail, and where do you think that’s coming from?”

Klobuchar said, “Well, I think when you have a president that is cutting people down all the time, belittling them, going after immigrants, that it fuels a lot of anger.”

She added, “I just want to say something about Mitt Romney as well as my friend Doug Jones from Alabama. They took incredibly courageous votes. I didn’t like how that impeachment hearing turned out. And I know you have talked a lot about it on the show. I think we should have had witnesses and gotten to the truth.”

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