Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told CNN’s Manu Raju on Wednesday that it was “not appropriate” for President Donald Trump to be tweeting about the ongoing Roger Stone case.

When asked if Trump is encouraged by his acquittal, Graham said, “No, I think he feels like the people who are out to get him are going overboard. I mean, just put yourself in his shoes.”

He continued, “I told him I said, ‘I can understand how you feel that way, but the system did work.’ Mr. Mueller did his job. He found no collusion. Mr. Horowitz did his job. We will see what happens in the election.”

He added, “Tweeting about an ongoing criminal matter is not appropriate.”

Raju asked, “Did he know anything about what the were doing in the Roger Stone case?”

Graham  said, “Nah, I think he read something on the internet.”

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