Sunday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) announced he will be quarantining himself after coming in contact with someone at CPAC who later tested positive for coronavirus.

In reaction to Cruz’s announcement, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) praised his fellow senator’s decision, saying Cruz is “modeling good behavior” by self-quarantining.

“He is modeling good behavior saying he will self-quarantine at home and stay away from the public and Congress,” Merkley told Kasie Hunt, host of MSNBC’s “Kasie DC.”

Merkley listed off ways to combat the spread of the coronavirus such as bumping elbows instead of shaking hands and frequently cleaning hands.

He added, “[W]e’re trying to bring that behavior and convey to people that really this is — think of the flu. If you hand wash a lot, if you cough into your sleeve, if you use fluids on your hands …hand sanitizer, you keep your hands away from your face you greatly reduce the spread, so these are the type of behaviors that all of us in leadership should be modeling. I did a video to convey this and I encourage other folks in elected office to do that. We have to really do everything we can to slow down the spread of this disease.”

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