Left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore said Tuesday on MSNBC that President Donald Trump was making his administration’s response to coronavirus outbreak partisan.

Moore said, “President Trump just had a lunch meeting with the Republicans on Capitol Hill. I was watching it in the green room. This is not a partisan issue. Why is he meeting just with the Republicans? He should be meeting with all the members.”

He continued, “To make this a partisan issue and to make this an issue about numbers, he wants the numbers to look low. Every time you show that map with how many cases there are in each of the states, everybody knows, that’s not a real map, because we haven’t been tested.”

He added, “The people who are sick can’t get a test. It’s a false sense of security. If it’s creating that in anybody, I don’t think it is.”

Host Katy Tur said, “Experts say they expect those numbers to go up once more as those tests go out.”

Moore said, “Where were the tests?”

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