Monday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) said watching President Donald Trump’s coronavirus White House briefings “is like watching North Korea or the old Soviet Union.”

Himes said, “The president of the United States who was elected three years ago and people need to reflect on that fact, because again like him or dislike him that he would stand in a moment of crisis and call himself a wartime president, and that is the thing, now he is a wartime president. Think back on the wartime presidents of the country George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and FDR and then Dwight Eisenhower and people who were absolutely selfless, absolutely selfless and all about the dignity and the generosity that we encapsulate and like to believe of ourselves as Americans. The president of the United States is talking about himself. You watch Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx. They need to do two things they need to convey the life-saving information they have, all while kowtowing to the president’s ego. It is stunning to watch. Secretary Azar and the vice president who need to start every sentence they say with the thanks to the stunning and outlandishly good leadership of the president, and it is like watching North Korea or the old Soviet Union.”

He added, “This is not the moment to talk about November 2020, but I think the American people know what we can do about this.”

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