As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams is still urging Americans to stay at home to help prevent the spread.

Adams told “Fox & Friends” Tuesday he is “a little bit frustrated” to see people are still gathering and not following the social distancing guidelines.

“We aren’t going to supply our way out of this problem,” Adams stated. “The way we solve this problem is by everyone coming together, stopping the spread by limiting large gatherings, by staying at home. And I’m a little bit frustrated because you’re still seeing pictures on Twitter, on TV of people getting together, being too close, putting themselves in a situation where they could end up in the hospital. And the best way to make sure you don’t run out of ventilators is to make sure you don’t need so many people who need to get on ventilators in the first place.”

The Surgeon General also addressed healthy Americans wearing masks and advised against the general public wearing masks because improperly wearing a mask could increase the risk of getting disease.

“Wearing a mask improperly can actually increase your risk of getting disease,” he explained. “It can also give you a false sense of security and you see many of these pictures with people out and about closer than six feet to each other but still wearing a mask.”

Adams added, “Here’s the bottom line: If you’re sick, wear a mask. … If you have a mask and it makes you feel better, then by all means, wear it, but know that the more you touch your face, the more you put yourself at risk.”

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