On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “11th Hour,” Washington Post columnist and MSNBC Analyst Eugene Robinson stated that President Trump is attacking the World Health Organization “for, I guess, not making him pay enough attention to the pandemic that they warned about.”

Robinson said, “[T]he president today also viciously attacked the World Health Organization for, I guess, not making him pay enough attention to the pandemic that they warned about. I mean, this is — these briefings are becoming more and more disturbing. Some days, it seems they’re being scripted by Orwell, some days by Monty Python. But there’s a kind of a lather, rinse, repeat rhythm that we’re getting into. So, the president makes up all these…fabrications for his base. It’s all the World Health Organization’s fault. Mail-in voting is full of fraud. All these things that he’s just making up for his base, that have no basis in fact. And then we spend the next 22 hours giving people the actual information and explaining why everything the president said was wrong.”

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