As Americans, including small business owners, await their stimulus checks and assistance, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) on Sunday’s “Kasie DC” on MSNBC provided an update on “Phase 4” of the coronavirus relief stimulus package.

After noting the rollout of the relief payment program has been “fraught with slowness and snafus,” Blumenthal revealed that there “serious negotiations” to work on the next package in the upcoming week.

“We were promised that checks would be in the mail or deposited by now, and those payments still, for most the vast majority of Americans, have not been made,” Blumenthal lamented.

Host Kasie Hunt asked, “So, when are you going to do more? I mean, there’s no end in sight for this. We had heard April 20 as a possible return date. Nobody seems to think that that’s realistic. when is congress going to send more aid?”

“There’s a real possibility of serious negotiations this week involving Senator McConnell, the majority leader, as well as Chuck Schumer, who has been really steadfast and very eager to replenish that small business account, but also meet the hospital and the state and local needs,” Blumenthal replied. “And I think even before a next package, a fourth package, this week we could well see serious and productive negotiations.”

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