White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Wednesday’s “Outnumbered Overtime” voiced her support for President Donald Trump’s immigration executive order placing a 60-day pause on the issuance of green cards to combat the competition for employment following the coronavirus causing many to lose their jobs.

McEnany stressed Trump’s “very smart and measured” approach to the immigration pause, arguing that American workers “must come first.”

“First, I want to emphasize that President Trump approached this in a very smart and measured way,” McEnany outlined “This affects green card holders, not temporary workers. So hotels, for instance, landscapers, these types of jobs will not be affected. But what President Trump has said is this: We are at a time where the American worker must come first. I sit in the Oval Office with him, across from him, watching him make these decisions and he has a singular focus: the health of the American people and the economic well-being. This is a smart and measured response that he took. I mean, guess what? 81% of America’s with him, according to Pew. So, what a great moment when you can see the American people stand with the president to the tune of 81%.”

She later added, “This is common sense. The American people can very well understand when Americans need jobs, Americans must come first.”

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