Friday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski criticized President Donald Trump for his remarks at the Coronavirus Task Force press conference about combating the coronavirus with light and disinfectant that members of the force would not agree with.

“Morning Joe” aired multiple clips of Trump suggesting light and heat or injecting disinfectant could treat the coronavirus with members of the task force openly disagreeing with his suggestions. Brzezinski asked what the “breaking point” is for members of the White House to see Trump as “mentally and morally fit.”

“You wonder what the breaking point is in terms of whether or not people inside the White House see this president as mentally and morally fit,” Brzezinski said after playing a clip of Dr. Deborah Birx saying light and heat are not able to treat viruses. “It’s worth asking. the research also showed how disinfectant could kill the virus on surfaces.”

“Watch Dr. Birx’s body language as the president raised the possibility of injecting cleanser inside the body,” Brzezinski said as she cut to a video of Trump suggesting disinfectant could work with Birx sitting next to him.

Host Joe Scarborough pointed out how early on in the outbreak, Trump predicted the warmer weather would help end the virus.

“This concept of the summer weather killing the virus, that, too, got a real-time fact check,” Brzezinski stated, cutting to Department of Homeland Security head of the science and technology directorate Bill Bryan sating it would be “irresponsible” to think the summer would kill the coronavirus.

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