Thursday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Meghan McCain said it is a “travesty” President Donald Trump wanted to endanger the lives of Americans by holding political rallies.

According to the daughter of the late U.S. Senator, it was because “he’s losing right now.”

In a clip, Trump said, “We’re going to start to move around, and hopefully in the not too distant future we’ll have some massive rallies, and people will be sitting next to each other. I can’t imagine a rally where you have every fourth seat full. Every six seats are empty for everyone that you have full. That wouldn’t look too good.”

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg asked, “Meghan, why do you think he’s in such a rush to get out of the White House and get right to Arizona and to anywhere else to do these rallies?”

McCain said, “It’s a sort of bizarre narrative where I can’t even go out and go to a restaurant or go to my doctor. I have to go to my doctor alone. They’re closing beaches in California, like, we’re in where near to opening up as a country but at the same time our president is really worried about rallies.”

She continued, “He’s really worried about Arizona and Ohio because these are going to be make-or-break states for him going into the election. Arizona—I never thought I would see this in my entire lifetime, but Arizona has a really real possibility of turning into a blue state. Right now, astronaut Kelly is running against McSally. Arizona has been traditional red, I think for the last 80 years, and we’re seeing the growth of immigration and honestly changing times. Arizona has been an independent state, and he’s losing right now. He’s losing in Arizona, and so I think it is more important for him to get out and possibly expose people at rallies in my home state, than keep Arizonans safe. I think it’s a travesty. I think it’s another example of why on election night, I may very well be with you ladies and saying, I really never thought I would see the day, but it’s looking like it could very well happen, and he’s nervous.”

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