In a Thursday interview with CNN’s “New Day,” host Alisyn Camerota asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) about allegations of sexual assault against former Vice President Joe Biden, the frontrunner for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

Camerota questioned Pelosi if Biden needs to address the accusations “head-on himself.”

Pelosi, after emphasizing the importance of the #MeToo movement, said she is “satisfied” with Biden’s public response to the serious allegations and “proud” to support him.

“I have great sympathy for any women who bring forth an allegation. I’m a big, strong supporter of the MeToo movement. I think it has … made a great contribution to our country. And I do support Joe Biden. I’m satisfied with how he has responded. I know him, I was proud to endorse him on Monday — very proud to endorse him. And so, I’m satisfied with that,” Pelosi outlined.

Camerota then noted Biden himself has not publicly addressed the claims.

“You know, it’s a matter that he has to deal with,” Pelosi replied. “But I am impressed with the people who work for him at the time saying that absolutely never heard one iota of information about this, nobody ever brought forth a claim or had anybody else tell them about such a claim. But, again, we have an important election at hand, one that is, I think, one of the most important ones we had. We say that every election, but I think this is the most crucial, and I supported him because he’s a person of great values, integrity, authenticity, imagination and connection to the American people.”

“America needs a person like Joe Biden with his, again, his integrity and his vision for the future,” she concluded.

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