In a Tuesday interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden called the Department of Justice dropping charges against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn an act of “diversion” by President Donald Trump.

Biden said Trump wanted to “divert” everyone’s attention away from the “economic crisis” and “health crisis” caused by his response to the coronavirus.

“I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn, number one. Number two, this is all about diversion,” Biden told host George Stephanopoulos. “This is a game this guy blames all the time. The country is in crisis. We’re in an economic crisis, a health crisis, we’re in real trouble. He should stop trying to always divert attention from the real concerns of the American people. The American people are worried, with good reason. He has acted irresponsibly from the very beginning. He continues to act irresponsibly. He hasn’t done his job. This is all about diverting attention, diverting attention from the horrible way in which he has acted with what — we don’t have coronavirus because of him, but we have the devastating impact of it because of his lack of a policy, his lack of action. It’s all about diversion.

“[L]ook, I don’t know the detail of where we are right now,” he added. “My point is a simple one: focus on what’s in front of us. You have plenty of time to investigate this issue. I think there’s nothing there there, but it’s not a surprise that, in fact, the Justice Department decided anybody who was an ally of the president didn’t do anything wrong ever anyway.”

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