On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “MTP Daily,” host Chuck Todd apologized for airing a clip of Attorney General Bill Barr’s CBS interview that left out the context of one of Barr’s answers.

Todd said, “In the bite that we aired and commented on, Mr. Barr was asked how he thinks the history of his decision to end the prosecution of the former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn will be written. Mr. Barr answered, ‘[H]istory is written by the winner. So, it largely depends on who’s writing the history.’ In the full version of the interview and transcript, he went on to say, ‘But I think a fair history would say that it was a good decision. Because it upheld the rule of law.’ Now, we did not edit that out. That was not our edit. We didn’t include it. Because we only saw the shorter of two clips that CBS did air. We should have looked at both and checked for a full transcript, a mistake that I wish we hadn’t made, and one that I wish I hadn’t made. The second part of the attorney general’s answer would have put it in the proper context. And had I seen that part of the interview, I would not have framed the conversation the way I did. And I obviously am very sorry for that mistake. We strive to do better going forward.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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