Wednesday during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) explained what he saw as the problematic nature of former Vice President Joe Biden’s involvement in the unmasking of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s “unmasking,” which was revealed earlier in the day.

Gaetz explained how Biden, the presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, could not have it both ways, in that claiming he was hands-on while serving as Barack Obama’s vice president with an added exception of the Flynn situation.

“When we first called this a coup, we were panned by the Democrats, the media, and even some of our fellow Republicans,” Gaetz said. “But now, we see the extent that the Obama administration went to, to tell a side of the story that really was fiction. And we’re specifically seeing Joe Biden’s personal involvement in the potential setup of Mike Flynn. So I don’t know what’s worse for Joe Biden, being implicated in that potential setup or being so without his faculties that he can’t remember the meetings, he can’t remember being there.”

“And I think that that also creates sort of a political Chinese finger trap for Biden — either he’s going to claim he was the super involved vice president and wants credit for all the things he thinks America loved about the Obama administration,” he added. “But if he does that, he has to own these scandals, these setups and this attempt by the Obama administration to undermine our democracy. Bad news for Joe Biden ahead.”

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