On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” former CIA Director John Brennan stated that he welcomes the chance to talk with John Durham’s investigators and is willing to talk to them because he is confident he has nothing to hide and people have been deceived by people like President Trump and William Barr.

Brennan said, “John Durham, who is a well-respected individual from the Department of Justice…is conducting this investigation, I guess this investigation, and looking at what happened during those last months of the Obama administration and the first year or two of the Trump administration. I’d like to think that John Durham and the other DOJ and FBI investigators will continue to honor their oath of office and to carry out their responsibilities without any consideration of [the] political interests of Donald Trump. And so, I feel very good that my tenure at CIA and my time at the White House during the Obama administration was not — that I was not engaged in any type of wrongdoing or activities that cause me to worry about what this investigation may uncover. So, I welcome the opportunity to talk with the investigators. I have nothing to hide. I have not yet been interviewed by any of those individuals involved in this matter but I’m willing to do so. Because I do believe that, for too long, the American public [has] been misled by Donald Trump, by William Barr, and others. And so, I look forward to the day when the truth is going to come out and the individuals who have mischaracterized what has happened in the past will be shown to have deceived the American people.”

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