In a Tuesday appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) ripped President Donald Trump for admitting to taking hydroxychloroquine the last week as a treatment for the coronavirus.

Schumer said Trump touting the malaria drug is “reckless” and part of his “whimsical, impulsive and erratic behavior.” Schumer also suggested Trump is lying to the American people or misleading them to appeal to his ego.

“When you run away from the truth, when you just do something that appeals to your ego — whether it’s true or not every day — you will not succeed in either the health crisis or the economic crisis,” Schumer told host Joe Scarborough. “And what he did last night, as just an example as you mentioned, it’s reckless to tell people he’s using hydroxychloroquine. All the experts say at best it doesn’t help. So, what about senior citizens who don’t go to the doctor who take hydroxychloroquine listening to the president and at worst it hurts you? So, I don’t know why he did it. Maybe he has family or friends who own part of the company. It’s not unlike this president. … Maybe he did it to divert attention from all the bad things happening, and maybe he’s just lying.”

“This president doesn’t tell the truth. He may be taking this, he may not. What he does is whatever suits his ego at the moment and he thinks might help him, he does. And it hurts the country, and as you said, it hurts him,” he added.

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