On Friday’s “McLaughlin Group,” Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page stated that the World Health Organization tries to be “as even-handed” as it possibly can, and this means that “they’re not going to be as tough on China as we might like for them to be.” He also stated that while there are some things about the organization that need reform, President Trump has no specifics for what reforms he wants.

Page said, “The W.H.O. is an organization of lots of countries, including our own. And they try to be as even-handed as possible. So, they’re not going to be as tough on China as we might like for them to be. That’s just the way they operate. But nevertheless, there is — there are some areas of reform the W.H.O. could take. … I bet President Trump couldn’t tell you what they are, though. Because he’s never specific about what’s wrong with the W.H.O. besides talking about it at a time when it was convenient to take attention away from the White House’s slow response to the coronavirus crisis and trying to find somebody else to blame, which is kind of standard Trump style. And it’s happening once again.”

He later added that the U.S. can’t take an “isolationist approach” to the W.H.O. and the U.S. should try to increase its influence on the world stage.

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