Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) sounded off on President Donald Trump being photographed at St. John’s Church while holding up a Bible.

Some have criticized the photo and the methods used to clear protesters, but Kennedy said he likes it when “presidents talk about or highlight the Bible.” He added that the criticism stems from people who just do not like Trump.

“Well, here’s a newsflash, Sandra: some people in Washington don’t like Trump, and that’s their right. I get it. I like it when my presidents lift up religious liberty,” Kennedy proclaimed. “I’m a Christian, I’m a Methodist, that’s a Christian, I like it when presidents talk about or highlight the Bible. I feel the same way about other holy documents and other religions. I think a lot of this is just by people that just don’t like Trump. And that’s their right. And we’re going to have an election soon, but he was elected by the American people. I don’t like everything the president does, but I’m sure not going to criticize him for standing for religious liberty. And it was wrong to burn down St. John’s Church. I mean, I don’t see how anybody can think otherwise. There’s just no way to justify that.”

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