In a Friday interview with Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) urged for an end to the mobs and “lawlessness” in the wake of George Floyd’s death while in Minneapolis police custody in May.

McCarthy acknowledged there is a right to protest and said he hopes Floyd is brought justice, but he argued the mobs “are out of control” with their violence, vandalism and tearing down statues.

“We believe in the rule of law in America has to stop this portion,” McCarthy stated. “You have a right to protest. Floyd has a right for justice. That’s appalling what has happened to him. But those who loot, those who tear down statues, they should have consequences for their actions.”

“America has always strived to be a more perfect union,” he added. “Mobs are out of control in this process. They do not strive to make us a more perfect union … and they didn’t stop there with statues. You know what else they did? They literally knocked out a Democrat state senator who stood with them. They knocked the individual out. That’s what I believe when there are no lines. They are lawless in the process. They don’t believe in a mission except for destruction. That’s what we must stop so we have an ability to have a change of ideas, exchange those ideas, and strive to become that more perfect union and work to make sure that America is stronger. I am looking for individuals who want to rebuild, renew and restore America. I know we are going to a perfect storm with COVID, with people out of work, with people out of school, but this is not an opportunity and should not allow that we break down the rule of law. We are better than that, and I think we can rise to occasion to do something better.”

McCarthy went on to say that when the “rule of law” is broken down, “you break down society.”

“That’s exactly what is transpiring right now, and that’s what has to be stopped,” he concluded.

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