On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” White House Trade Adviser Peter Navarro said there are “radical elements” in the United States “that want to basically have another Chinese Cultural Revolution to destroy our culture, our habits, our customs, our ideas,” and called for the American people to unite around holding China and the Chinese Communist Party accountable for their handling of the coronavirus instead of directing their anger and fear over the virus, the economy, and the lockdown against each other.

Navarro said, “I thought, last night, the president’s speech was actually a call for unity. And what I’m seeing now is anger in the American people over the lockdown, anxiousness about an economic future, and fear of getting the virus. And what we’ve done is we’ve taken all that negative energy and directed it against each other, and then you’ve got radical elements that want to basically have another Chinese Cultural Revolution to destroy our culture, our habits, our customs, our ideas, what Mao called the old kills. And what we have to do is unite around this central fact: China lied, people died. The CCP lied, Americans died.”

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