Thursday, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson opened his program with a warning of what could come in a Biden administration.

According to the Fox News host, if Democrats had their way, America will be similar to the country’s urban areas, and he used New York City as an example.

“What’s their plan?” he said. “Well, in a sentence, they’d like to make the rest of America very much like our biggest cities have become: squalid, dangerous, chaotic and unhappy. They’d like to do to your neighborhood what they have done to New York City. The main thing they’ve done to New York is make it scary. Violent crime is surging dramatically there, as we have told you night after night. none of the main reasons for that is the elimination of cash bail — the city no longer holds the people at arrests.”

“Criminals are in and out of custody immediately and many of course going to commit more crimes,” Carlson continued. “The Biden campaign plans to abolish cash bail everywhere. No bail for any crime nationwide. Think about what that would mean. Americans are fleeing urban areas in huge numbers. Big cities are just too mismanaged. They’re too dangerous. Unless you are very rich are very poor, you’re getting out. New York City lost 53,000 people in 2019. They will lose far more than that in this year. Most of these refugees have relocated to the suburbs, where they imagine they are safe from the effects of disastrous urban policies. But they are not.”

Carlson said to make this a reality, Democrats will attempt to “abolish” suburbs by implementing federalized urban planning policies.

“Democrats want to abolish the suburbs,” Carlson added. “They are too clean and nice, and therefore by definition, they are racist. The Biden campaign has highly specific plans on how to do this. It’s called affirmatively furthering fair housing. It’s a HUD regulation, it was written during the Obama administration. Biden’s advisors plan to enforce it. They will cut off critical federal funds for municipalities unless those municipalities submit to federal control of urban planning. Towns will be ordered to abolish zoning for single-family housing because single-family homes, needless to say, are racist. Low-income federally subsidized apartments will go up in the suburbs. It’s a good bet you won’t see any of this. You won’t see projects being built in Aspen or Martha’s Vineyard or anywhere else Eric Holder vacations but in your neighborhood? Oh, yeah.”

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