On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden has “made some concessions to the left,” without doing anything too radical that would scare away voters and said that Biden’s recent rhetoric on the economy sounds like President Trump with “a populist rhetoric of America first” and not the support for free trade that previous Democratic presidents have supported.

Brooks said, “I would say, Biden has made some concessions to the left, I guess, if you want to call it that. But he hasn’t done anything that would scare away voters, like Medicare for all or anything like that. What’s really striking to me is — in his economic announcements this week, is that he’s talking like Donald Trump. He’s got a populist rhetoric of America first. And it’s a different version of America first. But this is not Bill Clinton, or, frankly, Barack Obama’s Democratic Party anymore, which was a free trade party and a more open party. This is, we have to secure our own supply chain. We have to move away from China. We have to close in and serve America first.”

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