During an interview aired on Friday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “WSJ at Large,” White House Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow stated that he believes President Trump’s economic agenda for his second term will include “additional tax cuts,” and floated capital gains tax relief, capital gains tax holidays, and “assistance” for lower income earners as possible agenda items. Kudlow also re-iterated Trump’s stance that he won’t sign another economic stimulus bill unless it includes a payroll tax holiday, which he characterized as an “appetizer” before the campaign and vowed that there will be “much more” deregulation.

Kudlow said, “I think you will see additional tax cuts, alright. That’s the president’s agenda. You know, he’s already said he won’t sign a bill with Congress unless it has a payroll tax holiday in it. So, that’s a starter, little appetizer leading into the campaign. There may be capital gains relief. There may be capital gains holidays. We will provide assistance probably for those at the lowest rungs of the ladder. You know, our policies helped low wage earners more than the highest wage earners. We will continue to revisit that. You’re going to see much more [deregulation.]”

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