Thursday on ABC’s “The View,” political analyst Tiffany Cross said President Donald Trump’s comments to CBS News pointing to white people being killed by law enforcement was “tossing red meat to his Klan-like base.”

Tuesday interviewer Catherine Herridge asked the president, “Why are African-Americans still dying at the hands of law enforcement in this country?”

Trump said, “And so are white people, so are white people. What a terrible question to ask. So are white people. More white people, by the way. More white people.”

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg,  said, “Two days ago, the guy in the White House said in an interview that white people are killed by the police more than anyone else, and flying the Confederate flag is freedom of speech. I’ll just turn it over to you.”

Cross said, “I’m so tired of this president spitting in our face and trying to convince us it’s raining. That is clear BS, and anybody with any ounce of historical perspective would know that. When I think of the families of Tamir Rice, of Trayvon Martin, of Philando Castile, of Terence Crutcher, of Ahmaud Arbery, of Rayshard Brooks, of George Floyd, of Breonna Taylor and Sandra Bland and on and on and on, and I think of the horrific brutality black people have faced at the hands of law enforcement, I wonder what would possess a president to say something like that, and it’s really because he’s tossing red meat to his Klan-like base that he needs so desperately to win in November.”

She added, “I think even posing the question, right? Were he a reader, I would encourage him to buy a copy of my book because I write about how law enforcement swelled their ranks through white supremacy at the early part of last century. So when you look at it through a historical perspective asking the question can feel disrespectful because we know that there’s systemic racism in law enforcement. So I wouldn’t debate that issue any more than I would debate a fool on if lemons are yellow. We know the answer. The question is, what do you plan to do about it, and he has consistently answered that by saying nothing.”

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