On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” Senate Republican Conference Chair John Barrasso (R-WY) praised the idea of putting a payroll tax cut in the next coronavirus relief bill, but stated that not having a payroll tax cut isn’t a dealbreaker for him and a payroll tax cut is one out of many options that can help the economy.

Barrasso said, “With regards, specifically, to a payroll tax cut, it is one tool in the toolbox that works. It helps people who do have jobs keep more of their hard-earned money. It would probably add two or three million new jobs. Because it [would] make it more cost-efficient for employers to hire people. So, there are absolute benefits to doing it.”

Host David Asman then asked, “But just to put a fine point on it, it doesn’t sound like the absence of a payroll tax cut in the bill would be a dealbreaker for you?”

Barrasso answered, “No, it wouldn’t be a dealbreaker. There are a number of different things that we can do to help people get back to work and help young people get to school. That is one.”

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