Thursday in an interview that aired on “The Bakari Sellers Podcast,” former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said President Donald Trump was “incredibly incoherent, inconsistent and indifferent to the suffering” the coronavirus pandemic has caused in America.

When asked what should have been done to combat coronavirus in December of 2019, Clinton said, “I wish we could turn the clock back, because if we had a competent, caring, prepared White House, they wouldn’t have gotten rid of the special unit that the Obama administration set up for the National Security Council to monitor the rise of disease. Everybody knew it was a matter of time—not if, but when. Unfortunately, this administration cut the budget for the Centers for Disease Control, cut out a lot of the funding that would have gone to pandemic preparation and response.”

She continued, “You would have had a president who understood what the National Stockpile was, immediately turned to using the National Defense Act so we could manufacture the personal protective equipment, the ventilators, whatever anybody needed. You would have had a president and White House that actually worked closely with the states. Not in the antagonistic manner, the way they have done, but what do you need and how do we do it. You would have had a president who modeled good behavior, including wearing a mask.”

She concluded, “Unfortunately, you know we had a president ill-prepared to be president and incredibly incoherent, inconsistent and indifferent to the suffering that this virus has caused, not just health-wise but economically.”

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