On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “New Day,” host John Berman objected to White House Trade Adviser Peter Navarro using the term “China virus” to refer to the coronavirus because “There are Asian Americans who have told us that they have become the source of crimes.”

After a lengthy debate over hydroxychloroquine between the two, Navarro asked why Americans are fighting with each other when the Chinese Communist Party infected the U.S. Berman responded that Navarro should ask President Trump that question.

Berman continued, “I will say, that this virus that has affected the United States right now –.”

Navarro cut in, “The China virus, the C.C.P. virus.”

Berman responded, “We let you say that once, Peter, please don’t say it again on this show. I know why you’re saying it.”

Navarro said, “The China virus” again.

Berman then stated, “All right, Peter Navarro, we appreciate you being with us. I know what you’re trying to do there. There are Asian Americans who have told us that they have become the source of crimes.”

Navarro responded by saying, “The C.C.P. virus, my friend. We love the Chinese people, John. They are hardworking, and they are under the boot of an authoritarian government.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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