Monday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) reacted to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) proposed spending in the negotiations for the next coronavirus stimulus relief package.

Barrasso said Pelosi is proposing “truly runaway government spending not aimed at coronavirus” and “living on fantasy island” by wanting to give direct checks to illegal immigrants, bail out states that were failing before the coronavirus pandemic and paying people more to not work than to work.

“I’m not surprised,” Barrasso said of the stalemate between the White House and Democratic leadership. “And this tells you why it’s such a wide gap between the parties and how dangerous the Democrats are, Trace. When you take a look at where Nancy Pelosi is, to me she is still living on fantasy island. She is proposing truly runaway government spending not aimed at coronavirus but spending at its worst. She wants to spend money to bail out states that for a long time have been failing long before coronavirus. She wants to spend direct checks to illegal immigrants and pay people more for not working than they make to work. And what Republicans are focused on in our proposal is getting America open, back to work safely and sensibly, kids back to school. The Democrats seem to be the party that wants to shut down the country in terms of jobs, in terms of schools and the economy.”

“People should not be paid more to not work than they can get at work, but right now, in addition to unemployment insurance that people get, there is a $600 a week bonus check on top of that,” he added. “So 2/3 of workers, Trace, right now are getting more for not working than they would if they went back to work. I see help wanted signs all around Wyoming this past weekend, but Nancy Pelosi wants to extend these bonus payments for well into the year 2021. That would do tremendous harm to the economy.”

Barrasso went on to stress the importance of getting Americans back to work and the children back in school to help the economy, but emphasized the government cannot be with Pelosi in “handout heaven” and throwing money at things “completely unrelated to coronavirus.”

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