On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) reacted to 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden’s selection of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) as his vice president by praising the pick and saying that it “shows that Biden is a very big man. He doesn’t hold grudges. Because none of his opponents went at him in quite the way that Kamala Harris did.”

Norton said that Biden “wanted to make history, and that’s what he has done. We have had white women on the ticket. We’ve never had an African American woman, and he also needed to excite the ticket. We hear — below the surface, we hear the notion that he’s got a lot of support, but the excitement is not yet there. I think this woman will bring excitement that the ticket needs. She went to Howard University. I have to say, representing the District of Columbia, so there’s very special pride in that.”

Norton continued that the Harris pick “also shows that Biden is a very big man. He doesn’t hold grudges. Because none of his opponents went at him in quite the way that Kamala Harris did.”

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