Fox News Channel host Howard Kurtz on Thursday pushed back against the notion that presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) is a “moderate” or “small-c conservative,” as the media attempt to portray her.

The Biden-Harris ticket “is the most liberal ticket in Democratic Party history,” Kurtz argued in an appearance on FNC’s “America’s Newsroom.”

“Look, first, let me say Kamala Harris is getting walk-on-water coverage, and it is absolutely stunning,” Kurtz said. “I mean, look, she is a groundbreaking prick. She is the first black woman, as you know, on a major party ticket, the daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants. … But there is an effort by the media — conscious or unconscious — to say she is a moderate like Joe Biden. That’s only true if you mean more moderate than AOC. This is the most liberal ticket in Democratic Party history given how far left the party has moved.”

“In my estimation, she is not quite as liberal as Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren,” he added. “She was flirting with that in trying to get the presidential nomination. So, she backed’s Bernie’s Medicare for All, then she backtracked on that. Fair criticism to point that out, to point out that her presidential campaign imploded and also … question her record as a prosecutor. The criticism I think is off base from the right is Biden didn’t really make this pick, she’s going to be running the show, he’s going to step down, and she’s going to become president. There’s no evidence of any of that.”

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