Fox News Channel’s Steve Hilton opened his program on Sunday with an analysis of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate for the November 3 presidential election.

Hilton indicated there was much to be desired about Harris as a candidate. However, he warned trying to make her out to be a radical would not work giving her willingness to change political stripes whenever necessary.

Transcript as follows:

HILTON: The election battle lines drawn as Joe Biden picks his running mate, California Senator Kamala Harris.

In a moment, we’ll give you a special swamp watch investigation with shocking examples of Kamala’s corruption that would be leading every news outlet if she were a Republican vice presidential nominee, but she is a Democrat, so the media, a part of her campaign team and are forced to us to bring you the truth about the Democratic ticket for November.

Before we get to the politics, though, I want to say something personal about Kamala Harris.

I was seated next to her at a small dinner a few years ago and I liked her actually. I thought she was smart and warm and human.

I appreciated her efforts then to combat truancy by withholding welfare payments from delinquent parents. And I do think it’s great to see someone with her background in such a prominent role. Representation does matter.

But when you move from the personal to the political, it isn’t clear what Kamala Harris represents. She was for banning private healthcare then against it, then for it, then against it again. She was against legalizing drugs, then she was for it.

She insinuated that Joe Biden was a racist, but now, she says, he’s a champion of racial justice.

She believed that women accusing him of sexual abuse, but now, she believes his denials.

I live in California and know a lot of Democrats. It literally goes with the territory.

Here’s the striking thing. The Democrats who know Kamala Harris cannot stand her. They all say the same in private. She lacks personal integrity and is only interested in one thing — herself.

There are also consistent accounts of abusive behavior towards people who work for her. We’ll have more on that later in the show.

If Kamala Harris is, as the Democrats who know her say, an untrustworthy, flip-flopping, narcissistic tyrant, that’s nothing new in politics.

But for months, we were told that Biden would select a running mate he was simpatico with. Biden knows what being Vice President is all about, so he wants someone he can really trust and work with.

Well, that all turned out to be total BS. Biden and his team were told very clearly by Democrats what Kamala Harris is really like that he couldn’t trust her as far as he could throw her, that she is a total nightmare to work with. He knew all of that, but he picked her anyway.

Instead of simpatico, he got ultra-political. That tells you how weak he really is.

As President, he wouldn’t be a leader. He’d be a follower led by the different factions in the Democratic Party, and the person he has just put on his ticket would be one of the loudest voices.

We deserve to know what Vice President Harris would be saying to President Biden after everyone else has left the room.

We don’t need to speculate. We can see it in her record. In 2013, as California Attorney General, Harris improperly intervened in a vital ballot measure that would have saved billions from the state’s budget, avoiding massive tax rises, and even the blue state bailout Nancy Pelosi is demanding today.

Kamala Harris scuppered reform by altering the actual language on the ballot. Why? Because she was bribed, of course. Sorry, because political donations from public sector unions who have been the biggest roadblock to reform.

Half a million dollars in union donations for her first statewide campaign a decade ago. Another million dollars for her reelection in 2014. Double the payoff once she had fixed the ballot measure.

And it wasn’t just favors for the unions. Earlier, when Kamala Harris was District Attorney in San Francisco. She let a notorious conman, Ricardo Ramirez off the hook, even though he endangered the lives of San Francisco residents with compromised construction projects.

Ramirez was a crony of former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown who was having an affair with, you guessed it, Kamala Harris.

But the story we are about to tell you is much more disgusting than any of that.

Harris has repeatedly posed as a supporter of the #MeToo movement and claimed to be an ally of sexual assault victims.


SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA), PRESUMPTIVE DEMOCRATIC VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: So let me be clear about it. The statistics are clear. You know, there’s been a lot of talk about well, why is she now coming forward? Why didn’t she report it?

Over 60 percent of sexual assault victims never report the crime against them.


HILTON: Interesting. Kamala Harris’s predecessor at the San Francisco DA’s office, prosecuted a number of cases of child sexual abuse by Catholic priests.

But in 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court ended that with its ruling that extending the statute of limitations in these instances was unconstitutional. So, the victims requested the DA’s case files so they could take it to Civil Court.

The files confirmed that the San Francisco archdiocese had in its possession internal records of abuse, stretching back decades, reportedly including the names of past and present members of the clergy who had been identified in a litany of sexual abuse claims.

But when Kamala Harris to go to with the DA’s office in 2004, she blocked the release of the case files and even claimed that it was to protect the victims.

But that was a lie. Those very same victims said the exact opposite.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They were pestering her office and then what they got was this false statement that they were protecting victims.

It’s just a flat out insult. She could have redacted the names, blacked out the names and left them out.


HILTON: It wasn’t just covering up past abuse. During her tenure as DA, Harris didn’t prosecute a single new case. It’s possible of course that none were reported, but when you look at the numbers from the Government Accountability Institute, showing that all of the largest cities in the country had at least one prosecution during that time, it looks like Harris caved to her city’s politically powerful Catholic establishment.

Why would Kamala Harris do something like that? Let’s see. During her campaign for DA, she received unprecedented amounts of cash from the Catholic establishment in San Francisco.

All told, more than $60,000.00 in donations. In return, she covered up their sexual abuse scandal.

As far as I’m concerned, there is no worse crime than the sexual abuse of children. And yet Kamala Harris sided with the abusers against the victims. That is sickening.

Amy Klobuchar’s vice presidential hopes were killed by something she did as District Attorney for which frankly, she had a far better explanation than Harris does for this.

It shows that in the modern Democratic Party, identity politics trumps everything, even child sexual abuse.

How could Biden’s vetting let this go? Kamala Harris should be thrown off the ticket in shame for what she did. But that’s not the world we’re in. And if like me, you think that a Biden-Harris win would be a disaster especially for working Americans. The only question that matters is, as Kamala Harris herself would put it, what is best way to prosecute the case against her and her mentally malfunctioning figurehead, Joe Biden?

So here’s this week’s campaign memo. What I’ve learned over many years running political campaigns is that when you criticize your opponent, to be effective, it has to be something that a reasonable person would agree with. And it has to be something specific, with practical consequences for voters.

Trying to brand Kamala Harris a far left radical won’t work. She is not principled enough to be radical anything. Targeting her personally won’t work either, calling her a phony, going on about her flip flops on issues, even the corruption we’ve laid out tonight.

In the end, most voters are just going to say, so what? All politicians do that.

In any case, there’s a simple truth about this election. If it’s about personality, Trump will lose. If it’s about policy, Trump will win.

Here are the three things to focus on. One, look at the first Biden-Harris policy announcement: compulsory mask wearing nationwide including outdoors. What unscientific authoritarian, bureaucratic, centralizing nonsense.

Imagine the nanny state nightmare that would inflict on our country. Armies of busy bodies bossing us about from morning until night. Two, they are so keen to get into power they’ve made lots of promises. The regulations would cut jobs. The spending would raise taxes.

The Trump campaign needs to get specific saying $4 trillion in new taxes means nothing to an individual voter. Add up the promises, work out the cost for the average taxpayer. We will bring your own calculations soon.

And three, free healthcare, welfare and education for illegal immigrants. That would lead to a huge increase in low wage immigration, all of it waived through by a Vice President in Kamala Harris who has described ICE as the Ku Klux Klan.

The headline is a simple message to an America reeling from health and economic crisis. Recovery with Trump or relapse with Biden.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor