Monday on MSNBC, anchor Rachel Maddow was pleased by former first lady Michelle Obama’s speech that closed the first night of the Democratic convention, proclaiming, “there’s no other public figure like her in the world.”

Maddow said, “I would just like to see that Michelle Obama’s speech all over again. I am —I have a little bit of attention deficit when it comes to taped things, and I pay attention to production values, and this is weird, and it’s off-putting and everything, and, you know, it’s hard necessarily to kind of get in the groove. And Michelle Obama started talking, and it was like a moment passed, and it was over. She is absolutely riveting, as is this format in some ways. I mean there’s a lot of good moments. I think Kristin Urquiza, who spoke about her father dying of COVID, was an unbelievable moment. The 2020 candidates talking about endorsing Biden and what he meant to them even as they competed against them. Klobuchar, Kasich, Doug Jones, they were all very good. But Michelle Obama, there’s no other public figure like her in the world.”

She continued, “That 18-some-odd minutes that she just spoke about the country and about President Trump and about Joe Biden, ‘Let me be as honest and clear as I possibly can. Donald Trump is the wrong person for our country. He’s had more than enough time to prove he can do the job, but he is clearly in over his head. He cannot meet this moment. He simply cannot be who we need him to be for us. It is what it is.’ You can imagine those words coming from anybody, and they would mean x coming from Michelle Obama, it means something qualitatively different. I thought it was a riveting speech.”

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