On Monday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom,” Biden Campaign Co-Chair Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA) stated that he thinks Postmaster General Louis DeJoy should be investigated by the FBI and could potentially “be tampering with a federal election.”

Host Anderson Cooper asked, “Do you think the FBI should investigate, and what, if anything, is the potential crime?”

Richmond responded, “Well, absolutely, I think they should investigate. One potential crime could be tampering with a federal election. Two, it is causing havoc for our constituents right now, who depend on merchandise, depend on medicine, depend on money, and so what we have seen is that this postmaster is actually removing mailboxes from communities. He’s actually removing sorting machines from the Post Office. And it used to be that our fabulous mail carriers would work until all the mail was delivered, and now it seems that there’s some instruction that, hey, when it hits this time, just come on back in. The difference is, the United States Postal Service was never created to be a profit center. It was created to provide a service, an essential service to the American people, and that’s its constitutional duty and we want to make sure it’s protected. It is a bedrock of the United States of America and our diplomacy.”

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