Thursday, during CNN’s coverage of the fourth and final night of the Democratic National Convention, network anchor Jake Tapper praised former Vice President Joe Biden for his acceptance speech.

Anchor Wolf Blitzer said, “Truly blistering attack against the current president of the United States by the former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee. He really went after the president. We have been told by some of his aides this was going to be a speech mostly outlining what he would do as president and leave it to others to go after the current president, but Joe Biden certainly went after President Trump. He said we will overcome this season of darkness in America. He said now our history has delivered us to one of the most difficult moments in American history right now. He says this is a time of real peril.”

He added, “This was a moment for Joe Biden, the most important speech of his political career, and he was powerful in doing it.”

Tapper said, “He said President Trump failed at his number one responsibility, which is protecting the American people. And he said that was unforgivable. I’ve heard Joe Biden give, I don’t know, dozens, hundreds of speeches over the years. I have to say this was one of the best if not the best performance I’ve ever seen.”

He added, “Also kind of underlining a mistake, a tactical mistake by the Trump campaign to set expectations so low, suggesting that Joe Biden is not capable of giving a speech like this meant that he would naturally exceed expectations.”

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