Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) reacted to the first three days of the Democratic National Convention, which has had more of a focus on President Donald Trump than Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Cotton described the dynamic as Trump “living rent-free inside the heads” of the Democrats on display at the convention thus far.

“Well, Brian, it was a pretty remarkable speech at a pretty remarkable day at the Democratic National Convention,” he said. “And I heard a lot of reasons why Donald Trump offends the delicate elite sensibilities of people like Barack Obama, and Kamala Harris, and Hillary Clinton. I don’t think I heard many or even any reasons to vote for Joe Biden. I mean, I understand that Donald Trump is living rent-free inside the heads of all these Democrats, having beaten them in 2016. But ultimately, the Democrats have to explain why America would be better off with Joe Biden as our president.”

Cotton contended Democrats were avoiding a focus on how Biden would improve the country’s situation given were he is staked out on various issues.

“They don’t want to do that because Joe Biden is going to raise our taxes by $4 trillion,” Cotton continued. “He’s going to open our borders by decriminalizing illegal immigration. He’s going to give free health care, that you have to pay for, to illegal immigrants while he takes away your insurance on the job. And if you didn’t see those ideas — yes, free college, too. If you didn’t see those ideas last night at the DNC — well, just tune in to the whacky daytime DNC when they tell you what they actually think. They have speakers talking about abolishing the police, not just defunding them more; ending capitalism.”

“They don’t want you to see those speeches while you’re away at work because that’s the true heart of the Democratic Party,” he added. “That’s what will happen if Joe Biden gets elected. That’s why we must reelect Donald Trump.”

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