Thursday on MSNBC, anchor Nicolle Wallace said the blood of the victims shot to death in Kenosha during protests was on President Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

Co-host Chris Hayes said, “There has been a glorification of vigilante violence by Donald Trump, by supporters of his on the campaign trail when he instructed his supporters to beat up and assault protesters when he said he would pay their legal fees. We had a deranged fan of his attempt to assassinate a dozen members of the political opposition just a few weeks before the midterm elections. We had someone who cited his immigration policy go and attempt to murder as many Latinos down in Texas as possible. We have seen time and time again, a call in response from the rhetoric that comes from the president and his supporters and the actions of some violent individuals. To say after the fact this 17-year-old commit this and then be celebrated after the fact, after people have seen what the results of that rhetoric is, that is stepping out and transgressing to me in an even more disturbing fashion.”

Wallace said, “Let me just give you a thought, having been inside campaigns. It is also a trap. Donald Trump, he didn’t spend any money because he prostituted the White House and the countries assets to do this convention, but he spent a lot of time putting together a convention to talk to a very small group of people, like smaller than the number of people that have been watching us all week. A very small group of people, independent voters, undecided voters, people who pulled the lever for him a four years ago but think he’s a bleep hole and aren’t sure they want to do it again. They need, they need those people to think that the violence is on somebody else. The violence is on them.”

She continued, “When they feature gun waving lunatics at their convention and then a gun-waving lunatics going to shoots two people and their best friend in the media, another bleep-hole named Tucker Carlson who celebrates him, it is all on them.

She added, “Everything happens on them. The blood is on them.”

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